European Urology – Accredited Continuing Nursing Education (EU-ACNE)
Despite the fact that many countries have created obligatory systems for continued professional development for nurses, there is no mandatory system of continuing nursing education (CNE) or continuing professional development (CPD) at a European level.
Therefore the EAUN has taken the initiative to offer a system to facilitate the accreditation of CNE/CPD activities for urology nurses and to facilitate the registration of gained credit points for nurses.

For event organisers, the purpose of EU-ACNE accreditation is to ensure that educational programmes, training or materials for urology nurses and health care professionals are recognised for their high standard professionally and educationally and compliant with international requirements.
For health care professionals, the purpose of accessing or using accredited programmes is to be assured of the quality and know that it is recognised as such by the EU-ACNE and credit points can be gained and registered in their own national system.
Activities considered for accreditation
Considered for accreditation are all kinds of live (virtual) events and online courses or e-learning with a pre- and post-test as well as webinars.
Industry events and events from countries that have their own accreditation body will not be considered.
However, accredited events from such countries can be registered in the EU-ACNE system.
The accreditation board reviews e.g. the scientific programme, aims & objectives, educational needs, evaluation form for participants, target group, funding, bias, learner engagement.
Additionally, a declaration from the director and conflict of interest forms of all SCO and organising committee members are required. After the event, a report and list of participants have to be submitted.
Calculation of credit points
The number of credit points will be calculated based on the total number of educational hours (1 hour equals 1 credit point).
Accreditation fees range from 50 – 500 euros and are based on the expected number of participants.